Parish Renewal Program

To make a regular contribution financially or as a volunteer, please contact the Parish Office at any time.
THANK YOU for your response to our Commitment Weekend – the final weekend of our Parish Renewal Program. A special THANK YOU to all the parishioners who have already returned their completed pledge commitments and Groups & Ministries responses – either at Mass or by return to the Parish Office. Your support is very much appreciated!
If you have not yet done so, you can download the form and submit to the parish office, preferably no later than Tuesday 23 May 2023.
We will be following up by email and/or phone to confirm intentions from parishioners who have not yet responded – to minimise that follow-up please complete and return your commitment by 23 May
Please note that your new pledges will take effect on Sunday 11 June 2023. Confirmation letters, and where appropriate, new sets of envelopes, will be available at all Masses on the weekend of Sunday 4 June.
We thank you once again for your generous response.
Fr Des & the Program Leadership Team
Thoughts from our Program leadership team
Q: Why do you think it is important to support our parish financially with a pledge to the Thanksgiving Program?
“It is very simple. Our parish community has a financial component just as my family has a financial component. Both need a defined and regular income to meet our current needs and plan with confidence for the future.”
“It is so important to provide the essential resources to fulfil the mission of our great parish, and to maintain our beautiful church and parish facilities.”
“Our parish cannot survive without our financial support – running the parish now and ensuring that we and future generations can continue to live out our faith and receive the Sacraments.”
Click/tap image to open Pledge form
We need you!
Each one of us has been blessed with gifts & talents which we can share to build our parish community.
Stay involved OR be involved for the 1st time!
PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM at the renewal program commitment weekend masses Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 May or to the parish office by Wednesday 17 May

“It is not enough to say we are Christians.
We must live the faith,
not only with our words, but with our actions.”