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Parishioner Groups

For enquiries regarding any of these groups, please contact the Parish Pastoral Manager


The parish takes the safety, well-being and inclusion of all children very seriously and has policies and procedures in place to maintain a Child Safe environment. See more about Child Safety and the parish Safeguarding Committee.

Choirs -9.30am & 11.00am Mass

9.30 am Choir at Hawthorn

9.30 am Mass choir ICC

We welcome parishioners wishing to join the choir at Immaculate Conception Church.You do not need to be able to read music or have any past experience, just a love of music! 

No regular commitment required.


For 9.30 am Mass choir contact Gerogina Docherty, (see the CHOIR tab)


For 11.00 am Mass choir contact

Fiona Dyball

ph 0477 002 813


11:00 am Choir at Hawthorn

11.00 am Mass choir ICC

Children's Liturgy Group

ChildrensLit2019 tiny

On most Sundays during School Term children have the opportunity at the 9.30 am Mass to take part in their own Children's Liturgy of the Word. These special liturgies for the children are conducted by a group of volunteers from the parish. 

Coffee/Tea - after 9:30 am Mass 

Coffee after 9.30 Mass

On selected Sundays volunteers organise a casual morning tea for parishioners in the Parish Centre. This is held immediately following the 9.30 am Mass. 

Eucharistic Ministers at Mass

Eucharistic minister at Mass

Parishioners assist during Mass at Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph's churches. 

Monthly rosters are sent to the volunteers, with each person allocated one Sunday per month.


Reading at Mass

Parishioners assist during Mass at Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph's churches with the Readings. 

Counters and Collectors

Counters and Collectors

Rostered teams of Counters  and Collectors process the Sunday Mass collections.  This is a necessary service which benefits the whole Parish Community. 

Casserole Bank - Manresa Care 

Manresa Care Casserole bank

The parish maintains a casserole bank in the Parish Centre for the distribution of meals to households where illness, death or some other crisis has caused hardship. 

Mid-week Chat Group

Craft Club at ICC

The Mid-week Chat Group meets in the Parish Centre on the last Tuesday of the month from 12.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along for a cuppa and a chat.

Maytime Fair Committee

Maytime Fair committee

The parish Maytime Fair Committee Coordinates the Parish Stall which sells homemade goodies and sewing items at the annual fundraiser, for the work of the Jesuits of Hazaribag Province in the North East of India.  

Eucharistic Ministers to the sick

Eucharistic ministers to the sick

These ministers take Communion to those unable to attend Mass.

Visiting the Sick/Elderly

Manresa Care

Delivering Christmas hampers

Manresa Care is a voluntary body of friends of the Hawthorn Catholic Parish. It aims to encourage ordinary people to share their time and resources to help one another.


Visiting the sick and elderly

St Vincent de Paul Society

Vinnies hawthorn fundraising cake stall

The Hawthorn Parish Conference provides assistance for people in need of food, clothing, household items, furniture. New members are always welcome. 

(more at St Vincent de Paul Society)

St Vincent de Paul Society

The Parish is always looking for volunteers to visit the sick and elderly in our parish Community.

Altar Society

Altar Society

The Altar Society cares for Immaculate Conception and St Joseph's Churches so both are properly prepared for worship and prayer.

Preparation at St. Joseph's Church

St. Joseph's church Hawthorn

This parishioner group cares for St Joseph's Church so that it is properly prepared for worship and prayer. 

Gardening Group

Gardening a Immaculate Conception

These volunteers care for the gardens at Immaculate Conception church and keep the grounds looking beautiful!

Gardening is done once a month, but there is no regular commitment required. 

Working With Children Checks and Police Checks

Please note that it is a requirement of the Archdiocese that all parish volunteers hold a  current Working With Children Check, even if they are not engaging in activities involving children.

In addition, everyone who deals with Parish property in a fiduciary position requires a current Police Check.

This is not a reflection on our volunteers and applies across the board to volunteers and employees.

Refer to working with children and police check guidelines for more information.


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