Confirmation Program
Confirmation Saturday 30 August 2025 at 1pm (catechist group),
and 3pm (St Joseph's students)
Held at Immaculate Conception Church, 345 Burwood Road, Hawthorn
Children currently attending St Joseph’s school do NOT need to register
Other children should register via the "Register Here" button below. Candidates need to be in Year 6 or above
Please note the information on this page relates to candidates who are children. Adult candidates for the sacraments please contact the Parish Pastoral Manager.

Dear Families,
You have asked that your child receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, and it is important that you feel very much part of the preparation program so that you can share in this special time with your child.
There are two times allocated to us this year, Saturday 30 August 1pm (catechists group) & Saturday 30 August 3pm (St Joseph's students).
Important Dates
Classes 4pm to 5.15pm in the Parish Centre (on the grounds of Immaculate Conception Church) on *Dates TBA (see further details below)
Family Preparation Night on *Date TBA at Immaculate Conception Church, for parents and Confirmation candidates (please, no siblings)
Presentation Mass Sunday 24 August at 9.30am at Immaculate Conception Church
All children preparing for the Sacrament are asked to attend Mass with their families, where we will present the children to the Parish and ask the parishioners to remember them in their prayers. Attendance at this Mass is an important part of the sacramental program.
Rehearsal on *Date TBA (meet at the Parish Centre)
Sacrament of Confirmation Saturday 30 August 2025 1pm (catechists group) and Saturday 30 August 3pm (St. Joseph's students) in Immaculate Conception Church
Important Information
Classes and Rehearsal
There will be four classes including one rehearsal for the children – Classes are on *Dates TBA from 4pm- 5.15pm. Classes will be in the Parish Centre, 345 Burwood Road (off Lynch St, next to Billy Lids). Children will need to bring their pencil cases.
The last class will involve a rehearsal to prepare for the Sacrament.
Children will bring home ‘confirmation workbooks’. These are used to complete homework activities that support the sacramental classes. There will also be opportunities for them to share a short prayer and/or reflection with their families over the course of the preparation. This could be done together before a meal or at bedtime. We see this sharing as an important part of their faith development. We would appreciate your support and encouragement of your child by being involved at home with this aspect of the program.
Candidates who attend the Primary School of a Catholic Secondary School (ie. Xavier, St Kevins, Loreto or Genazzano) are not required to attend classes. However, they are expected to attend our Family Preparation Night, the Presentation Mass and the Rehearsal.
To cover costs we ask that each family contribute $180.00 per child. This fee is payable when registering online.
Confirmation Name
Children should start to consider their confirmation name in preparation for this sacrament. This should be a saint’s name. See guidelines below from the Archdiocese.
The role of the sponsor is to spiritually walk with the candidate during the preparation for the sacrament. They will assist the young person in being a true witness and disciple of Jesus and represent the community when they present the candidate to the bishop. A sponsor will continue to help the young person fulfil his or her baptismal promises after Confirmation with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Please refer below for information from the Archdiocese of Melbourne regarding saints names and sponsors.
Baptismal Certificate
If not previously given, a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate will need to be sighted by myself (and a copy taken) before classes commence. N.B. I won’t need a baptismal certificate if your child was baptised at the Hawthorn Parish but please indicate this on the form.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, Thank you.
Berny Kirwan
Parish Pastoral Manager
(8862 4020)
Gen and Maureen
Catechist Teachers
The Hawthorn Parish promotes the safety and well-being of children, Aboriginal, culturally diverse, and vulnerable people.
Our policies and procedures can be found on our website Child Safety page
When registering please include the following information:
Child's name and Year Level, school attending, Parents Name, email and mobile number
Information from the Archdiocese of Melbourne regarding Confirmation
Selecting a Saint’s name:
Only saints’ names are to be chosen. Alternatively, students may choose their own first name as their confirmation name.
Ideally, students research and select a saint who inspires them and are able to answer questions about this Saint.
Normally, students choose a saint of the same sex as themselves.
One sponsor only
Only a confirmed Catholic of at least 16 years of age can act as a sponsor. Normally and ideally, the sponsor should be a practicing Catholic.
The sponsor should not be a parent of the candidate
The link between confirmation and the sacrament of Baptism is strengthened if one of the child’s Godparents is the sponsor but this is not a requirement.
At the celebration of Confirmation, the Sponsor sits with candidate, walks behind the candidate to the Bishop during the Anointing with Chrism and, as the candidate kneels, places his/her right hand on the right shoulder of the candidate.
At Communion time, the sponsor and candidate proceed together to receive Communion. It is expected that the sponsor will receive Communion.