Child Safety Training
Code of Conduct
Every three years our clergy, staff and volunteers are required to sign our Code of Conduct in regard to behavioural expectations while performing their duties in our Parish.
We are also required to watch a training module which explains the Safeguarding Essentials as mandated by the Archdiocese of Melbourne and the State Government.
For all those who work or volunteer in our Parish we must have a record that you have signed the Code of Conduct and completed the training.
These can all be completed online:
To complete the Code of Conduct declaration click/tap the blue "Code of Conduct" button below.
To access the training, scroll down, read the information about the training and then click/tap the blue "Access Training" button to be redirected to the Archdiocese training module

Working With Children Check (WWCC)
To access the training module you will need your current WWCC or VIT number. To apply, renew or check your WWCC visit Working With Children Check
(Note: a current VIT covers WWCC and Police Check)
More information about our Parish's Child Safety policies and procedures here
Safeguarding Essentials

Safeguarding Essentials online training module for Volunteers
The Safeguarding Essentials online training is a 30 - 60 minute training module for volunteers within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
The purpose of this training is to :
provide our volunteers with foundational knowledge in relation to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable persons from abuse and harm
affirm your commitment and that of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne to the safety and care of those most in need
To login, you will need:
your unique Working With Children Check ID (or current VIT number)
email address
At the completion of the training each registered user will receive:
a certificate of completion accessible via the training module dashboard
email notification that the module has been completed successfully
a reminder email notification when the training is due for renewal in alignment with their renewal timeframe