
Baptisms are available on request at Immaculate Conception Church on Sundays.
You may submit this online booking form, or email or phone. See Important Information and Contact Details below.

Important Information
Dear Family,
We are delighted that your child will receive the Sacrament of Baptism at Immaculate Conception Church, Hawthorn.
You will be advised via email the date and time of your child’s baptism ceremony.
If you have NOT previously had a child baptised:
As part of your preparation for your child’s baptism you and your child are required to attend a Baptism Preparation morning between 9.30am (sharp) and 10.30am in the Parish Centre on a Saturday, date to be advised. Godparents do not need to attend.
Your child is invited to be presented to the Parish at a Sunday, 9.30am Mass. The date of your Presentation Mass will be advised via email.
Godparents and extended family are welcome to attend this Mass.
If you have previously had a child baptised:
We don’t require you to attend a Preparation session. However, we do ask that your child be presented to the Parish at a Sunday, 9.30am Mass at a date to be advised. Godparents and extended family are welcome to attend this Mass.
Birth Certificates
According to Canon Law we need to receive a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate or extract from Births, Deaths & Marriages.
We also require a copy of at least one of the Catholic parent’s and one of the Catholic godparent’s Baptism Certificates.
A godparent should be at least 16 years old.
There is a $150 Church fee payable via internet banking. In the case of siblings being baptised at the same time, please add an extra $100 fee for each additional child. A donation to the priest on the day of the baptism is customary.
Parish bank Account details will be provided to you via email.
The baptism date will not be confirmed until the Church fee has been received.
If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact the Parish Pastoral Manager.
Thank you for celebrating this special event with us,
Berny Kirwan
Parish Pastoral Manager
(8862 4020)
Request a Baptism Certificate
If you require a copy of the Baptism Certificate of your child or yourself from Hawthorn Parish records, please send an email to the Contact listed on this page.
Please include the following information:
Name on Baptism Certificate
Date of Birth
Date of Baptism (if known)
Phone number
For all enquiries please contact the Parish Pastoral Manager